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纸箱包装 翻译

1、英文名字纸箱paper box玻璃 glass金属 metal例如The composition of paper box, glass and metal is completely differentThe paper box is consisted of fabric, glass of silicone dioxide, and metal of steel or other metal elements;packaged in common double corrugated box,consolidated shock absorpted by foam;inner carton2 在一段句中叙述外箱时the master carton 或 the export carton 2 以上供您参考之 愿您顺心如意问题九外贸专业用语上quot外箱quot是什么意思,如何用英语翻译? 就是适合海运,空运,快递等货物的外包装,具体的根据货物的实际情况看使用何种包装,有纸箱,有木条箱,等等;4 INVOICE TO CERTIFY THAT THE BARCODEEAN 13FIGURE FORMAT HAS BEEN MARKED ON EACH PIECE AND EACH OUTER CARTON发票须标明条码13位已经在每件和外包装纸箱上印制5 Packing Original standard packing, suitable quantityouter carton包装每件独立胶袋,适合数量装外箱。

2、1Frontside前端 2Backside 后端屁股3Size of item 大小体积4Packing包装 5Unit 4 pcs a one set, 6 sets in one export carton 4件为一套组,6套组装在一个出口纸箱中6Packing each pack shrinkwrapped with sticker 每包用贴有标签的薄膜包装 7profile thickness 1,2 cm;使用木箱包装成本会高些The piece goods are to be wrapped in kraft paper, then packed in wooden cases布匹在装入木箱以前要用牛皮纸包好The eggs are packed in cartons with beehives lined with shakeproof paper board鸡蛋要用带蜂房孔,内衬防震纸板的纸箱包装Each pill is put into;包装纸箱,内盒,外盒 Packing carton, inner box, outer box 包装纸箱,内盒,外盒 Packing carton, inner box, outer box;cardboard box 这个没错的,老外都是这么用的。

3、carton #712kɑtn , n 尤指装食品或液体的硬纸盒塑料盒硬纸盒或塑料盒所装物品纸板盒 vt 用盒包装 复数 cartons 例句I took a ballpoint pen and punched a hole in the carton 我拿了一支圆珠笔,在纸盒上戳了一个洞I bought a carton of;纸箱别名cartonhard paper case 纸箱英文 carton或hard paper case是应用最广泛的包装制品,按用料不同,有瓦楞纸箱单层纸板箱等,有各种规格和型号;4 INVOICE TO CERTIFY THAT THE BARCODEEAN 13FIGURE FORMAT HAS BEEN MARKED ON EACH PIECE AND EACH OUTER CARTON 发票须标明条码13位已经在每件和外包装纸箱上印制5 Packing Original standard packing, suitable quantityouter carton 包装每件独立胶袋,适合数量装外箱;1纸箱,就是你说的CTN2托盘,PLT,是PALLET的简写3其他,一般指纸箱托盘混装,及其他包装,统一用PKG,是PACKAGE的简写。

4、包装方式用英语怎么说 way of packing packing stylepacking method “包装形式袋装或纸箱装”用英语怎么说Packagebag or carton 想了解和包装相关的英文说法简易包装怎么表达简易包装,指的是那种可以快速简单,低成本达到包装和保护效果的包装形式,比如用缠绕膜缠绕托盘,而取代打包带,使用气泡膜。


